пятница, 5 августа 2011 г.


Anna Anna is 13 years old and now, at such a young age, she needs immediate surgery on her spine. After completion of medical examinations conclusion was made: the anomaly of the spine, S - shaped scoliosis fourth degree.

During the operation, which is scheduled for the second half of September 2011, implants made of titanium alloy are going to be put to Anyuta. They will fix the spine. This difficult operation lasts 7 hours.

In such transactions there is risk of 9% in the group of which is Anne. Anya has syndrome of Holt - Orama and it has an impact. She can not refuse from the operation : in this case the curvature will progress and duration of life will be maximum 30 years in a wheelchair.

Anna's mother brings up her daughter alone and it costs too much for her to pay for the surgery. Only titanium construction costs UAH 31 200 (2738 euros) and that's even without the cost of drugs, work of surgeons, anesthesia and recovery period. In total, we need to collect 120 000 hryvnia (10 532 euros).


We ask all kind-hearted people: let's help the girl not to become hostage of the wheelchair, and live a full life. We would be grateful for any help and support from you!

Purpose of payment: For Anna Murasheva
Contact phone mum: Murasheva Alla 0674588227

 Transfer means in dollars USA

The Kherson regional charitable foundation of Kherson Ustin
46, Lenina str., Kherson, 73032, Ukraine
Bank of Beneficiary " VAB BANK", 5, Zoologichna str., Kiev, Ukraine
Account of Beneficiary: 26009210000137
Correspondent account in Citibank N.A. of New York USA: 36141518
SWIFT code: CITI US 33

Thank you all for support and understanding!

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