понедельник, 29 апреля 2013 г.

The Easter festival took place in Kherson

On april 26, 2013 the City Easter Festival dedicated to the celebration of Resurrection of Christ. This festival is held thanks to the support of acting mayor Zoya Berezhnaya.
The masters of arts were invited to participate in the festival.
The acting Mayor Zoya Berezhnaya congratulated all the residents of the City with the opening of the first Easter Festival:
"I sincerely congratulate all the residents of the city, I congratulate the artists of today's festival, the special thank to the public organizations, especially  Ustin Maltsev for the support and kindness, gratitude to the abbot Ioann for the foundation of the Christmas festival. We need to make our city more beautiful, and also to continue the tradition "The Kherson City is the festival city. Today Festival  is an example of how to prepare the Easter holiday. I wish you a good celebration".
Children from the educational-artistic complex also were invited to the holiday. They showed all the guests of celebrations how the Easter eggs can be decorated. Kherson Regional Museum presented an exhibition of objects of Easter holiday, that are inherent in our land: eggs, clothing, Ukrainians towels etc. All of these attributes are used during the Easter holiday.
The Social activist Ustin Maltsev said: "Today we are gathered and open the Easter festival, dedicated to the celebration of Christ's Resurrection. We hope that this tradition will continue in Kherson, and every year we will be prepared and meet the most important holiday of spring".

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