суббота, 17 мая 2014 г.

Ustin Maltsev will find the lost art of Ukraine

   Every June international sales of XIX - XX centuries' Russian and Ukrainian art take place in London, the capital of Great Britain. Leading international auction houses like Sotheby's, Christie's and Bonhams put up for sale masterpieces of Slavic history of past centuries, paintings, statues, ornaments and icons. These events are attended by world's cultural and financial elite, global art dealers and collectors, charity foundations involved in search and preservation of lost artworks. Apart from buying and selling, most influential people of art and culture discuss global issues how to preserve real masterpieces of art on global scale. This year the main topic of discussion is a search and return of artworks lost, stolen and removed from European and ex-Soviet Union countries during World War II by Nazi Germany.
    Ustin Maltsev, public activist who will attend the event says: "Today we have a great opportunity to start dialogue with leading people in art world to help us find and return pieces of art and culture to our museums. During World War II thousands of artworks were lost or removed from Ukrainian museums. It is time to bring the pieces of our cultural heritage back to our museums and make them property of Ukrainian people. We have already held talks with several international authorities and foundations that are willing to support us in our activity."

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