вторник, 17 мая 2016 г.

Save the heart of little Nastia

Kherson charity fund Ustin Maltsev help support good please rescue Charitable Foundation
    A four-year old Nastia Galay from Poltava region was born with several congenital heart disorders. A year after her birth, she had one open ductus arteriosus (Botallo's duct). Medical doctors from the "Institute of Heart of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health Care" suggested a surgery for Nastia when she turns 12 years old. However, a follow-up examination in 2015 revealed enlargement of Botallo's duct, thus making a surgery very urgent now. The medical doctor has warned there is no time left.
    A child with a congenital heart disorder cannot live a full-fledged life, since the open ductus arteriosus can lead to a cardiac insufficiency, to a number of chronic diseases and complications, to serious heart and lungs dysfunctions, and this is life threatening.
    A spiral occluder worth 58 000 UAH (USD 2 300) is necessary to close the ductus arteriosus. The surgery will be performed in Kiev "Institute of Heart of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health Care" free of charge!
    Nastia's parents have no choice but ask for help those who care. They hardly have just enough money to make ends meet. The amount of money necessary to buy the heart implant is simply unmanageable for the family Galay.
    Ustin Maltsev's foundation and Nastia's parents beg all the people of good will for support and help in fund raising to save the life of the girl.
Banking details for money transfer:
Privat bank card: 4731 2171 1126 7710 - UAH
Recipient: Galai Eugene (dad)
Payment destination: for Anastasia Galay

Contact phone number: + 38 095 383 43 75 Valentina Antonovna (Nastia's grandmother) http://ymfund.org.ua/news.htm/id/899

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