среда, 18 апреля 2012 г.

Ustin Maltsev’s fund will support the tournament of O.Mishukov

   On April 21 an open volleyball tournament among women's teams will take place in Kherson. This sport event will be devoted to the memory of the honored artist, professor Oleg Vasilyevich Mishukov. The event will be held in the sport hall of Kherson state university (27, 40 years of October Street).
   School teams of Kherson (secondary school №52, gymnasium №3, physical and technical lyceum, Academic lyceum of O.Mishukov at Kherson state university) and the region will compete. Girls from 9 to 11 forms will take part in the tournament.
   The tournament will be held with the support of Ustin Maltsev's fund. Women's team of academic lyceum got as presents sport outfit and new volleyball balls.
We invite all volleyball teams of Kherson and the region to take part in the tournament, and all those interested - to come and support the favorites!

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