среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

Philanthropists met with students

In the  Kherson State University was  meeeting with  the head of the  Charity Foundation Ustin Maltsev with first-year students of the faculty "journalism." The meeting took place with the support and active participation of Vasiliy Zagorodniuk the lecturer Faculty of Literature and Journalism.
 Ustin Maltsev told his life story, what, and what inspired him to create exactly the fund. It is known that the fund is not only aimed at saving the lives of children, but also for renovating cultural heritage of Kherson, the purchase of equipment for the Children's Hospital, visit and care of children in foster homes. All these good deeds deserve deep respect! Not a lot of people nowadays just want to hang, asking nothing in return, to serve and give back to people.
 During the conversation, the students asked many questions about the fund, future development plans, where and how does the money to help the children, and what you need to do to be as successful as Ustin Maltsev.
He also emphasized the fact that everything is in our hands, in the hands of the younger generation, and that the power of each of us to direct the situation to the desired channel.

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