вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

The Fund of Ustin Maltsev will support"Brain Ring"


  October 19, 2012 at 14:00 in the auditorium of the school № 53 (at Kherson, Shovkunenko, 86-A) will consist the 2nd game " The Brain Ring", among schoolchildren, in the framework of the project "Schodennik."

  The game will involve teams from schools № 23, № 53, № 1, high school journalism and law LZHEP. Each school puts a team of students in grades the 10th-11th of 6 persons and fans 50.

  The theme of the game was chosen "General history of Kherson." Participants will compete for two teams in one battle. One fight - 5 questions. The winner goes to the next round, semifinals and finals. Pause when you change teams filled band entertains the school № 27 and the creative team LZHEP.

  The event is supported by the charitable foundation "Ustin Maltsev," which will provide prize money to all the winners.

The game promises to be  very interesting!

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