среда, 18 января 2012 г.

Passed the final gala concert of the V festival of Children's Art "Christmas Island"

   January 13, 2012 was the final gala concert at which were declared winners of the V Festival of Children's Art "Christmas Island". The event took place in Kherson Regional Puppet Theatre, which brought together participants from twenty secular and religious schools of Kherson. But five years ago, when this event was in its beginning, the festival covered only educational and religious institutions, which are located in the district Ostrov (in English - island) in Kherson (and hence the name).
   Today - it is about five hundred participants, who represented the numbers on the Christmas theme. The winners this year were: Kherson gymnasium № 3, school № 16 in-depth study of the languages of national minorities, the dance troupe of school № 21 in-depth study of computer science and mathematics, school № 41, the vocal ensemble "Suzir'ya", Tauride Lyceum of Arts, Center of Children and Youth Art of Komsomol district, Kherson Center of out-school work, musical school № 1, the vocal ensemble "Zorepad" of Kherson House of Children's Art, Sunday school of St. Kasperovskiy temple and Manyakin Bogdan, a student from school № 10.
   The head of the Charity Fund, Ustin Maltsev, always supports such an event:
   - The need for these projects is very high for our society. I'm very happy, because more and more children are connected to this work. We see how many wonderful works every year replenish the segment of folk art of children. This should be developed, because this is the culture of our society in the future. Very important that was started a social project "Children for Children", where children go to orphanages and hospitals to show the Christmas show. This suggests that the human segment of the service is already inherent in children. That's the main thing that is necessary to educate in the children!
   It should thank the clergy and Kherson community, who were supporting the event. But a separate "thank you" deserve priest Ivan Gordienko, who is the author of the idea. Also, the project is supported by the head of Kherson Vladimir Saldo, Charity Fund of Ustin Maltsev and the blessing of the Archbishop of Kherson and Tavria Ioanna.

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