среда, 5 декабря 2012 г.

Kherson virtues learned new principles of "Goodess"


November 29, 2012 in Zaporizhzhya seminar-training "Consistently successful fundraising" under the direction of Yakov Rogalin Director DGBF "Compassion" (and jobs: self-employed, practicing surgeon-proctologist, doctor of the highest category, PhD, author of more than 800 publications, 3 brochures and 4 digests . Taught surgery in Donetsk Medical University, and PR in many universities of the city, conducted more than 100 training courses and workshops on social marketing, fundraising and social entrepreneurship.)

It was attended by outputting not only Kherson charity "Ustin Maltsev," but funds from other cities Foundation "Health Insurance" in Dnepropetrovsk, representative Schkuropadsky Sergei, CF "Hope", representative Natalia Dotsenko, etc. The organizer of the  event was a charity Fund "Patriot Zaporozhye."

Project Manager CF "Ustin Maltsev" Vetrichenko Natalie said: "It is important to understand the objectives, goals and desires of each benefactor, no matter who we are talking about school-teacher or Petrochemical Corporation, so that such events only informative and useful"

During the workshop, participants discussed topics: principles of sustainable successful fundraising, legal and ethical fundraising, and private motives corporate benefactors. Also, the participants shared their experience, receive answers to their questions. Yakov Rogalin spent little workshop and some useful exercises that will be useful outputting not only at work, but in life, and yet it does not skimp on the fun, so the seminar, which lasted the whole day was a breeze. All have received a lot of information and a huge positive emotions.

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