In the House of Teachers December 15, 2011 hosted the Second National Congress "Charitable Ukraine".
This event is traditionally held between two large charitable dates - Day of Charity and Day of St. Nicholas. Representatives from various organizations and charitable foundations, businesses, not indifferent to the charity, community leaders came together to develop solutions that stimulated the development of philanthropy in Ukraine. The congress was attended by Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the International Charitable Fund "Ukraine 3000" Ekaterina Yushchenko, President of the Foundation "Society" Friends of the Children" Marina Krysa, director of the Donetsk Charitable Foundation "Kindness" Yakov Rogalin, entrepreneur and philanthropist Margaret Sichkar, social activist and Head of Kherson Charity Fund Ustin Maltsev and others. In general, this event brought together nearly 150 philanthropists from all over Ukraine.
In the first part of the Congress held a public debate "Philanthropy 2011: results, trends and challenges". It consisted of three thematic blocks - "Philanthropy and the State", "Philanthropy and the Media", "Philanthropy and Society". Rate the information and develop a common position should have been three main experts - President of the Association of philanthropists Alexander Maksymchuk, Director of Institute of Mass Information Victoria Syumar and president of western Ukrainian resource center Vasiliy Poluyko. The moderator of the event was well-known leader and media expert, member of the Media Council of the National contest "Philanthropist of the Year" Andrew Kulikov.
In each block, the first word was provided to the speakers - experts in this topic, which were outlining the situation in this area. Then were the main experts, after which everyone had the opportunity to express their opinions about the problems addressed directly during the communication. The outcome of each block is again summed the main experts.
As the rotation the discussions Andrew Kulikov read the results of expert poll "Charity - 2011: Ukraine", which in a few weeks passed on the initiative of the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists. The survey involved 55 experts - specialists in various spheres of social life.
Participants discussed a wide range of issues, were of great number of interesting and true thoughts. Thus, in the block "Philanthropy and the State" (information speaker was a program manager of the Ukrainian Independent Center of Political Studies Maxim Latsiba) present opinions are divided. Most of the audiences believe that today in Ukraine inadequate legislation in the field of philanthropy. That delaying the adoption of the amended Law on Charity and Charitable Organizations, consideration of the percentage of philanthropy frankly inhibits the development of philanthropy in Ukraine. Others have defended the idea that charities do not need help from the state and can work normally in the current legislation, it is only necessary to understand and execute.
Out of this situation the panelists see in the "inventory" of charitable organizations and their union. Indeed, in Ukraine registered thousands of charitable and community organizations, of which really work very small percentage. This is a complex task, and the establishment of the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists - an attempt to solve it. "We may not be able to combine all, but we can give an impetus", - said Alexander Maksymchuk.
"The main objective of cooperation and association of philanthropists should be a sense of common purpose and common task, openness and accountability. First we need to start looking in one direction and start moving simultaneously and systematically ", - said Ustin Maltsev
The results were announced on the expert survey on this issue. It is significant that no expert pointed out that the legislative and regulatory frameworks in Ukraine promote the development of philanthropy in Ukraine. 65% of the experts noted that the legislation does not promote nor prohibit the development of philanthropy. And 35% believe that the legislative framework impedes the development of philanthropy.
In the second block "Philanthropy and the Media" (the tone of the debate gave the Executive Director of the Information and Analytical Center "Social Space" Alla Prune) the participants agreed on a conversation that public and charitable organizations - good newsmakers, but they do not know how interesting submit themselves and their work and do not know how to enlist the support of the media. On the other hand, journalists are often stereotyped, and sometimes lack of understanding of the specifics of the third sector. At the same time consumers are interested in this information - it is convincingly proved head of the Information Portal Artem Stelmashov.
What to do? First, change the approach to the media and views on their function. Not refer to them as requested, but with the proposal. "Attracting media to solve problems - one of the most effective ways to attract their attention", - said Alla Prune. Second, talk about your work and possibly a bright and creative. Today, as compared, for example, with Russia, we have very few quality publications on philanthropy. And third - it is necessary to educate journalists.
Opinion poll findings:
• The media is full and objective show processes in the field of charity - 12%;
• The media have little interest in what's happening in the field of charity, so the coverage of charity events is incomplete and occasionally - 51%;
• The media are considering benefactors (charitable organization) as potential advertisers; if you have money - you will get coverage, there is no payment - no coverage - 43%;
• The media are dependent on their owners, and so coverage of charitable basis on political or business-like or preferences of owners of media - 71%.
The third block "Charity and Society" opened Svetlana Kutz, who presented the results of last year, the survey of Fund "Democratic Initiatives": "Charitable Ukraine: the practice and attitude of Ukrainians to the charity. Performance Measurement". Vasily Poluyko give other data of the same Fund "Democratic Initiatives"; at this time was investigated property condition of society. "About 16% of the population does not have enough money even for food, 60% - have means for necessary, for a little more can afford - 24%, less percent of Ukrainians can afford all - he said. - You must agree that twenty-four percent cannot help for seventy-six percent. Government should work here, and charity must help to overcome the problem".
Work should be integrated and effective. If someone knows how to overcome the problem, the others can help to do this under the law, and still others - to finance the process, the problem can be solved. But the one, who gives money, has the right to see the result. "When an organization gives a result - she has no problem with raising funds", - Margaret Sichkar is conviction. She is echoed by Artem Makeev, president of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Social Partnership": "Nothing will be qualitatively realized in conditions of poor management. The organization shall act as an effective manager of its projects. And when it demonstrated its efficiency and professionalism - government will connect".
Participants in the debate highlighted another aspect of the problem: people do not know how to do good works, because there is nobody to teach them correctly or ask for a contribution. They must learn to charity from childhood, schools and institutions. A positive experience in this area shared Irina Belova, director of Irpen specialized school № 2.
This is an expert opinion. At issue, the decision of what problems are most needed for the dynamic development of philanthropy in Ukraine, experts have identified are:
• lack of public trust in charities - 65%;
• social passivity and inertia of the citizens of Ukraine - 51%;
• social passivity and inertia of the Ukrainian business - 43%;
• corruption of the state apparatus which oppressive social activities of society - 61%;
• lack of transparency and closeness to public charities - 37%;
• incompetence and inefficiency of charities - 22%.
"We must all remember one thing: charity is a very important and a good deal, but it should not be a substitute for something that should make the government. Otherwise, the government relaxes"- said in the conclusion of debate Vasily Poluyko.
Victoria Syumar clearly identify what steps should be done next. The first - to make a petition and think about how to promote the adoption of the Law on Charity and Charitable Organizations in the new edition. Second - to talk about myself, shoot video, write interesting texts, go to the radio. Third - go to school, to teach children philanthropy.
"And we must unite and support each other" - put an end Alexander Maksymchuk.
"In the Ukrainian word "Blagodijnost" (Charity) the main thing - "dіya" (action), so let us act. But there is another great Ukrainian word that denotes a charity - "dobrochinnіst". It is based on the word "chin", the main significance of which we have recently forgotten. "Chin" - means feat. And I thank you for those little daily deeds, "chin" you do "- said Andrew Kulikov, closing the discussion.
In the second half of Congress "Charitable Ukraine" - Round table" What is the tax legislation will help the development of philanthropy in Ukraine?", Master class "Effective fundraising as a way to stability of charitable projects", and parallel conducting of public presentations of the most efficient charitable projects and initiatives have been implemented in Ukraine. Among the participants of presentation - winners of the V National contest "Philanthropist of the Year" and member of the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists.
This event is traditionally held between two large charitable dates - Day of Charity and Day of St. Nicholas. Representatives from various organizations and charitable foundations, businesses, not indifferent to the charity, community leaders came together to develop solutions that stimulated the development of philanthropy in Ukraine. The congress was attended by Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the International Charitable Fund "Ukraine 3000" Ekaterina Yushchenko, President of the Foundation "Society" Friends of the Children" Marina Krysa, director of the Donetsk Charitable Foundation "Kindness" Yakov Rogalin, entrepreneur and philanthropist Margaret Sichkar, social activist and Head of Kherson Charity Fund Ustin Maltsev and others. In general, this event brought together nearly 150 philanthropists from all over Ukraine.
In the first part of the Congress held a public debate "Philanthropy 2011: results, trends and challenges". It consisted of three thematic blocks - "Philanthropy and the State", "Philanthropy and the Media", "Philanthropy and Society". Rate the information and develop a common position should have been three main experts - President of the Association of philanthropists Alexander Maksymchuk, Director of Institute of Mass Information Victoria Syumar and president of western Ukrainian resource center Vasiliy Poluyko. The moderator of the event was well-known leader and media expert, member of the Media Council of the National contest "Philanthropist of the Year" Andrew Kulikov.
In each block, the first word was provided to the speakers - experts in this topic, which were outlining the situation in this area. Then were the main experts, after which everyone had the opportunity to express their opinions about the problems addressed directly during the communication. The outcome of each block is again summed the main experts.
As the rotation the discussions Andrew Kulikov read the results of expert poll "Charity - 2011: Ukraine", which in a few weeks passed on the initiative of the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists. The survey involved 55 experts - specialists in various spheres of social life.
Participants discussed a wide range of issues, were of great number of interesting and true thoughts. Thus, in the block "Philanthropy and the State" (information speaker was a program manager of the Ukrainian Independent Center of Political Studies Maxim Latsiba) present opinions are divided. Most of the audiences believe that today in Ukraine inadequate legislation in the field of philanthropy. That delaying the adoption of the amended Law on Charity and Charitable Organizations, consideration of the percentage of philanthropy frankly inhibits the development of philanthropy in Ukraine. Others have defended the idea that charities do not need help from the state and can work normally in the current legislation, it is only necessary to understand and execute.
Out of this situation the panelists see in the "inventory" of charitable organizations and their union. Indeed, in Ukraine registered thousands of charitable and community organizations, of which really work very small percentage. This is a complex task, and the establishment of the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists - an attempt to solve it. "We may not be able to combine all, but we can give an impetus", - said Alexander Maksymchuk.
"The main objective of cooperation and association of philanthropists should be a sense of common purpose and common task, openness and accountability. First we need to start looking in one direction and start moving simultaneously and systematically ", - said Ustin Maltsev
The results were announced on the expert survey on this issue. It is significant that no expert pointed out that the legislative and regulatory frameworks in Ukraine promote the development of philanthropy in Ukraine. 65% of the experts noted that the legislation does not promote nor prohibit the development of philanthropy. And 35% believe that the legislative framework impedes the development of philanthropy.
In the second block "Philanthropy and the Media" (the tone of the debate gave the Executive Director of the Information and Analytical Center "Social Space" Alla Prune) the participants agreed on a conversation that public and charitable organizations - good newsmakers, but they do not know how interesting submit themselves and their work and do not know how to enlist the support of the media. On the other hand, journalists are often stereotyped, and sometimes lack of understanding of the specifics of the third sector. At the same time consumers are interested in this information - it is convincingly proved head of the Information Portal Artem Stelmashov.
What to do? First, change the approach to the media and views on their function. Not refer to them as requested, but with the proposal. "Attracting media to solve problems - one of the most effective ways to attract their attention", - said Alla Prune. Second, talk about your work and possibly a bright and creative. Today, as compared, for example, with Russia, we have very few quality publications on philanthropy. And third - it is necessary to educate journalists.
Opinion poll findings:
• The media is full and objective show processes in the field of charity - 12%;
• The media have little interest in what's happening in the field of charity, so the coverage of charity events is incomplete and occasionally - 51%;
• The media are considering benefactors (charitable organization) as potential advertisers; if you have money - you will get coverage, there is no payment - no coverage - 43%;
• The media are dependent on their owners, and so coverage of charitable basis on political or business-like or preferences of owners of media - 71%.
The third block "Charity and Society" opened Svetlana Kutz, who presented the results of last year, the survey of Fund "Democratic Initiatives": "Charitable Ukraine: the practice and attitude of Ukrainians to the charity. Performance Measurement". Vasily Poluyko give other data of the same Fund "Democratic Initiatives"; at this time was investigated property condition of society. "About 16% of the population does not have enough money even for food, 60% - have means for necessary, for a little more can afford - 24%, less percent of Ukrainians can afford all - he said. - You must agree that twenty-four percent cannot help for seventy-six percent. Government should work here, and charity must help to overcome the problem".
Work should be integrated and effective. If someone knows how to overcome the problem, the others can help to do this under the law, and still others - to finance the process, the problem can be solved. But the one, who gives money, has the right to see the result. "When an organization gives a result - she has no problem with raising funds", - Margaret Sichkar is conviction. She is echoed by Artem Makeev, president of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Social Partnership": "Nothing will be qualitatively realized in conditions of poor management. The organization shall act as an effective manager of its projects. And when it demonstrated its efficiency and professionalism - government will connect".
Participants in the debate highlighted another aspect of the problem: people do not know how to do good works, because there is nobody to teach them correctly or ask for a contribution. They must learn to charity from childhood, schools and institutions. A positive experience in this area shared Irina Belova, director of Irpen specialized school № 2.
This is an expert opinion. At issue, the decision of what problems are most needed for the dynamic development of philanthropy in Ukraine, experts have identified are:
• lack of public trust in charities - 65%;
• social passivity and inertia of the citizens of Ukraine - 51%;
• social passivity and inertia of the Ukrainian business - 43%;
• corruption of the state apparatus which oppressive social activities of society - 61%;
• lack of transparency and closeness to public charities - 37%;
• incompetence and inefficiency of charities - 22%.
"We must all remember one thing: charity is a very important and a good deal, but it should not be a substitute for something that should make the government. Otherwise, the government relaxes"- said in the conclusion of debate Vasily Poluyko.
Victoria Syumar clearly identify what steps should be done next. The first - to make a petition and think about how to promote the adoption of the Law on Charity and Charitable Organizations in the new edition. Second - to talk about myself, shoot video, write interesting texts, go to the radio. Third - go to school, to teach children philanthropy.
"And we must unite and support each other" - put an end Alexander Maksymchuk.
"In the Ukrainian word "Blagodijnost" (Charity) the main thing - "dіya" (action), so let us act. But there is another great Ukrainian word that denotes a charity - "dobrochinnіst". It is based on the word "chin", the main significance of which we have recently forgotten. "Chin" - means feat. And I thank you for those little daily deeds, "chin" you do "- said Andrew Kulikov, closing the discussion.
In the second half of Congress "Charitable Ukraine" - Round table" What is the tax legislation will help the development of philanthropy in Ukraine?", Master class "Effective fundraising as a way to stability of charitable projects", and parallel conducting of public presentations of the most efficient charitable projects and initiatives have been implemented in Ukraine. Among the participants of presentation - winners of the V National contest "Philanthropist of the Year" and member of the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists.
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